italiano FESTINA LENTE - CIRSA italiano


YEAR 1995

1994 || 1995 || 1996 || 1997 || 1998 || 1999

February 11th 1995
Electronic transcription of " Antiquarie Prospettiche Romane" by Rosanna Scippacercola.
The first text of electronic library of Vasari Project, son of Manuzio Project of Liber Liber, Non-profit organization.

February 16th 1995
Partecipation to Press Conference of "Italia Nostra" (Our Italy) - section of Rome, about " La Rupe Tarpea tra incuria e degrado sociale " (The Tarpea rock between carelessness and social degrade). Intervention by Stefano Colonna Ph.D., Coordinator of BTA - Telematic Bulletin of Art and presentation of Calliope Project of dr. Stefano del Lungo, Archaeologist and responsible of Archaeological Area of BTA.

March 21th 1995
Partecipation to Press Conference of " Italia Nostra " (Oru Italy) - section of Rome, about "Le fontane romane tra incuria e degrado". (The roman fountain between carelessness and degrade) Intervention by Stefano Colonna Ph.D., Coordinator of BTA - Telematic Bulletin of Art

April 21th 1995

May 17th 1995
Workshop " Arte on line: per un network interuniversitario storico-artistico" (Art on line: for an inter-university network for Art History) and presentation of the first HTML version of BTA - Telematic Bullettin of Art, in the Big Hall of the Rectorate of University of Tuscia, Viterbo. Manifestation under the protection of the Faculty of Cultural Heritage Conservation.
Joined the workshop Prof. Gian Tommaso Scarascia Mugnozza, Rector of University of Tuscia of Viterbo; Prof. Roberto Mercuri, Dean of Faculty of Cultural Heritage Conservation; Prof. Giorgio Manacorda, Dean of Foreign Modern Language and Literature and the prof. Carla Granati, Chairman of Italia Nostra Viterbo's section.
Entrance in the SIA - University Informative Systems of "La Sapienza" University of Rome, with URL:

May 26th 1995
First guided visit by FESTINA LENTE.
Start of activities of Commissione Didattica coordinated by dr. Alessandra Cassiani. Responsible of Sector: Maria Agostinacchio (ORGANIZATIONS), dr. Federico Pellegrini (FOREIGN); Eva De Lorenzis (SCHOOLS).

June 27th 1995
Partecipation to Press Conference by " Italia Nostra " - section of Rome, about Piazza Navona e dintorni.
(Navona Square and environs) Press Release and intervention by Stefano Colonna Ph.D., delegated by FESTINA LENTE and Coordinator of BTA - Telematic Bulletin of Art

July 1th 1995
Il Paese della Telematica. Dallo stupore alla partecipazione. (The telematic country: from astonishment to participation) Symposium occurred in Rome, in " Palazzo delle Esposizioni " and organized by Association "Una Città" with the protection of Presidency of the Lazio Regional Council and of the Commune of Rome.
Intervention by Stefano Colonna Ph.D., coordinator of BTA - Telematic Bulletin of Art and presentation of telematic reportage about " Biennale d'Arte di Venezia" (Art Biennal of Venice), realized by Francesca Romana Orlando and Francesco Maria Proto for BTA - Bollettino Telematico dell'Arte.

Settembre 1th-19th 1995
Presentation of BTA - Telematic Bulletin of Art to the people.
Presence in one telematic stand of " Festa dell'Unità " of Rome.

September 19th 1995
" Cultura e Mass media nell'era della telematica. " (Culture and mass-media in the telematic age) Discussion with art historians, artists, intellectuals and people, occurred during the " Festa dell'Unità " of Rome.
Partecipation of Stefano Colonna Ph.D., Coordinator of BTA - Telematic Bulletin of Art, dr. Claudio Crescentini, Responsible Project Correnti d'Aria of BTA, prof. Maria Filippone, Chairman of FESTINA LENTE, artist Sergio Lombardo; prof. Simonetta Lux, Ordinary of History of Contemporary Art and artist Attilio Pierelli.

December 19th 1995

Television transmission of the first instalment of " I Cortesi dell'Arte": television program realized in collaboration with "Italia Nostra" - Section of Rome and SIC TRV. Coordinament by Stefano Colonna; scenario and management by Federico Pellegrini and Giovanna Musso.
Nine instalments have been transmitted

December 20th 1995
Presentation of television program "I Cortesi dell'Arte" to the youngs.
Night by Stefano Colonna Ph.D., dr. Federico Pellegrini and dr.ssa Giovanna Musso, in collaboration with "Fratelli Lumière". Scenic equipment by Francesca Romana Orlando and Francesco Maria Proto. Organizational contribution by Veronica Briganti. With participation of Regional Counsellor of Italia Nostra Alfredo Barbagallo and the Chairman of SIC TRV dr. Bruno della Ragione.

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McLink, the World on line 
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