italiano FESTINA LENTE - CIRSA italiano


  1. Arcaica - Associazione Archeologica Aprilia
    Chairman dr. Sonia Modica
  2. Beta - La rivista Ipertestuale tecnica
    Chairman Luciano Giustini

  3. Dipartimento di Storia dell'Arte
    Università degli Studi di Roma " La Sapienza "

  4. Istituto Storico Artistico Orvietano - Orvieto
    Chairman: Prof. Francesco M. Della Ciana

  5. Italia Nostra
    Associazione Nazionale per la tutela del Patrimonio Storico, Artistico e Naturale della Nazione

  6. Liber Liber
    Non-profit Organization
    Vasari Project

  7. Nice srl
    Nice give hospitality to Web pages of BTA - Bollettino Telematico dell'Arte

  8. SIC TRV
    Teleraro Video
    I Cortesi dell'Arte

  9. Città Giardino
    Non-profit Organization in Rome

  10. Colonna Esquilina
    Non-profit Organization in Rome

  11. Italia Antica
    Non-profit Organization in Rome

FESTINA LENTE expand own information and cultural activity to a national and international sector with BTA - Telematic Bulletin of Art

BTA is an inter-university network for Hystory of Art, ideas hotbed and virtual place for the scientific and creative communication organized by the University of Rome " La Sapienza " Institute of Hystory of Art students, with the coordination of Stefano Colonna Ph.D.

The FESTINA LENTE members can to collaborate to the Bulletin.

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McLink, the World on line 
Thanks to McLink for Web hospitality
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